When I ask people what their food/body goals are, the answer is usually weight loss for health. Most people conflate the two and they have nothing to do with each other! So, what is health? The definition of health is steeped in nuance at best, and drowning in diet culture at worst.
My own form of disordered eating manifested under the guise of health for years. And then I realized that spending hours at the gym in order to counter my food choices might not be healthy. But I really started to question my own definition of health when my eating habits included not eating, because not eating was better than eating junk food.
All of this was wrapped up in striving to be better. As if being healthy made me more spiritual, more righteous. It’s only been the past few years where I’ve really explored what health means to me, based on my own inner wisdom and connection with God rather than what the world would have me believe.
Stop waiting on weight! What does health REALLY mean for you and YOUR body? What would you experience if you were healthy, and what’s preventing you from experiencing those things now?