6 reasons why we should stop praising before/after photos

I might ruffle a few feathers, but let’s talk about body size.


Body size is not an achievement…


Often a smaller body is the result of stress, self-harm, privilege, physical/mental illness, disordered habits, etc.

So why are transformation photos NOT helpful and how exactly can they be hurtful? Here are a few reasons:


1. Your comparison body could be someone’s dream body; if you didn’t think you were good before, than they must be bad now
2. It’s triggering for those who are in recovery for body dysmorphia and disordered eating
3. It perpetuates diet culture and the false belief that “life will be better when…”
4. It reinforces the idea that bodies were made to be looked at and commented on
5. It encourages the lie that all bodies respond the same; just because it worked for you doesn’t mean it’s appropriate or safe for someone else
6. That health/happiness looks a certain way. It doesn’t.


Please know that you are enough, just as you are. All bodies are good bodies, including yours.

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