Eating to live vs. living to eat. First of all, food is more than fuel — it’s an experience. It is completely acceptable to find joy in eating! You are NOT a bad person for eating more than you “should.” And second of all, you might not be eating as much as you think you are.
In order for your body to eat, sleep, and breathe a woman needs at least 1200 calories. Yup, that’s right. Simply existing and functioning at a bare minimum requires a minimum of 1200 calories as an adult female. Interestingly enough, this is the same amount necessary for a developing 4 year old… If you’re reading this, then I’m willing to bet you’re older than a child.
You might be saying, “I’m so confused! What about all those diets that promise amazing results if you slash your caloric intake to 1200 calories, or less???”
>>> Read more about caloric needs at Joyfully Inspired Life