What matters can’t be weighed

My kids pulled out the scale once to see how much they’ve grown, just for fun. They haven’t learned to fear it like I have, and I’m not sure they even noticed that I was the only one to not hop on. Because I’m pretty certain I wouldn’t like what it said, and I knew that the number doesn’t determine my worth anyway.

I’ve struggled with body image my whole life. Just about every day lately it seems like I’m battling negative thoughts around my clothes fitting tighter, worrying about whether I should eat less, be more active, etc. But then I remind myself of what I teach my children repeatedly: your body is capable of so much more than being looked at.

So today I remember and celebrate what my body can do!

I can hear the wind rustle the leaves in the trees.

I can see the mountains light up with the dawning sun.

I can smell the warm pine needles on the forest floor.

I can walk and not be weary. I can run and not faint.

My body is such a gift and I thank God every day for creating something so magnificent to house my precious spirit.

Just for today, can you find something about your body to celebrate? Tell me! Leave a comment with your body wins. It’s time we start admiring each other not for how we look but for what we’re capable of.

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