Calling all taco lovers!

We’ve been eating out a lot.  Like, more than usual.

And I realized that it’s because our family is craving something.  Yes, tacos (or burgers or teriyaki or fried chicken or pizza or whatever) are crave-worthy foods.  They’re delicious!  They are also a way for us to experience something.

This pandemic has not only been hard for my extroverted kids, but it has also been hard for my adventurous self.  We haven’t traveled to various places or visited with many people.  Every day is the same, a messy mix of chaotic monotony.  So it makes sense that we turn to take out for some sense of excitement.

Your cravings are valid.

I realize that not everyone has the privilege of eating out if/when they feel like it.  Maybe you too are wishing for something more and you find yourself turning to food, but because you can’t afford to buy what you want you’re left with lackluster leftovers instead…

What can you experience with the food you do have access to?  What would be possible if you were present with the textures, tastes, and temperatures of your cravings so you could honor them with your eating habits in new or different ways?  What if you could listen to your earthly vessel and have a conversation with her, so you could get creative in supporting yourself during your lowest lows and celebrating yourself at your highest highs?

Food is more than fuel, it’s an experience.  Allow it to satisfy the cravings of your body, mind, and spirit.

Tell me, what’s calling you?

Looking for some yummy ways to play with your cravings?  Check out my experiential eating kit and have fun (again) with food!